Monday, 7 August 2017

Week 2 Learning

Our Science this week was launching Berocca Rockets. We put a broken Berocca tablet and water into a film canister and secured the lid. As the Berocca dissolved it caused fizzing and carbon dioxide gas to build up inside the canister. When there was no longer any room inside the container the pressure popped the lid off and sent the canister flying into the air.

We continue with our PMP programme this term. The children are becoming more competent at the activities and are extending their learning each session. Thank you so much to the helpers that work with us each week.

Christian Living - God is our Provider 
- He wants us to be responsible and have Faith
Lesley Ottey visited and brainstormed some ways that we could use and look after what God provides for us each day. We will continue to expand this thinking during the term.

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Cross Country 2017


Our tamariki ran so well in their first School Cross Country. They trained hard, had a fantastic attitude and really rose to the challenge. The tamariki really enjoyed running in the rain and the experience generated some wonderful writing experiences later in the day. Thank you to all those that came along to support us.

Saturday, 6 May 2017

Celebrating the letter Hh

Today we ate hazelnuts, honey, ham and honey bubble slice. Lots of delicious things to try and some new tastes for some of us. We made some very cool looking hedgehogs by putting apples, grapes and marshmallows on skewers then sticking them into half of an orange.

Science - Hovercraft

Today we looked at how a hovercraft moves on a pillow of air. We made a hovercraft by using the hot glue gun to attach the lid off a 'pump' bottle over the hole of an old CD (it is important to use a lot of glue so that no air escapes around the edges). Mrs Keats blew up a balloon and attached it to the top. When the lid was opened the gas (carbon dioxide) left the balloon and went through the lid and spread across the surface of the CD making it lift and float slightly above the table making it easy to move.
Here is a link to a Youtube clip with instructions if you want to try it at home. 

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Easter Service

For He so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son. 
John 3:12
Look at our gorgeous tamariki. They certainly are beautifully and wonderfully made in the image of God! It was lovely that so many parents could share this celebration with us. We wish you all a very blessed Easter.