Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Bee Bots

The tamariki in Rooms 1 and 2 have been programming the Bee Bots to move around a mat. The Bee Bots are very simple robots. We have learned about direction and distance and how to work cooperatively with a buddy. Soon we will be learning more about computer programming.

Friday, 27 May 2016

Celebrating the letter Kk

We tasted some delicious kiwifruit today. Some of us weren't so sure that we liked them, but everyone had a little taste. A couple of weeks ago we learnt that our tastebuds change and like different things as we get older, so it is good to keep trying new tastes.

For Science today we made some simple kites. The weather was so fantastic that it was still and warm....not ideal kite flying conditions. We had to run around to make them fly. It was lovely to hear the delight in the children's voices when they achieved 'take off'.

Monday, 23 May 2016

Cross Country 2016

We were blessed with fantastic weather this morning for our school Cross Country. We had a lovely time running. It was fun going over the hay bales and under the fences. Thank you for all of the support from parents.

Celebrating the letter Jj

Thank you to Roman, Oskar and Haylie for bringing jelly to school for us to eat when we celebrated our letter of the week on Friday.

This is a fun experiment that you can easily recreate at home. Put a raisin into a glass of lemonade and observe what happens. We realised that experiments don't always work, but we can learn new things even when it doesn't go as planned.

Sunday, 15 May 2016

T is for taste

We had a blind taste to see if we could recognise different taste sensations. Try doing some blind taste  testing at home.

Friday, 13 May 2016

Celebrating the letter Tt

We had fun making up funny sentences that had lots of t words in them. The toast was very tasty and some of the children tried new toppings.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Celebrating the letter Hh

We made a lot of predictions about what we thought might happen. Ask your children about what did happen. Follow the simple instructions and make one of your own at home.

Maybe you could try making these yummy treats at home for Mother's Day. Many of us tried eating peppers for the very first time and most of us liked them. Of course the marshmallows went down a treat.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Autumn Fun

On this beautiful Autumn day we  went outside and played in the leaves. We listened to the dry leaves scrunch and crunch under our feet. When we threw them into the air we watched the leaves twirl and swirl in the wind. It was so exciting throwing them into the air. Mr Walters even joined in the fun!