Thursday, 22 September 2016

Celebrating the letter W

What a wonderful way to end the term. We ate Weetbix and Wiggly worms and watched a video about the water cycle.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

V for Volcano

We ate a variety of things on V day.... vegetables were a favourite in the morning. In the afternoon we made Vitafresh to drink and spread Vegemite on crackers. 

Today we did an experiment and learned about volcanoes. Room 4 joined us for this lesson. To replicate a real volcano we put wax in the bottom of a beaker, covered it with small gravel and then cold water. We put this on top of a hotplate and watched and waited. Just like a real volcano it exploded very quickly. We learned about magma, lava and how volcanoes are formed.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016


Wahoo the warmer weather means fitness outside. The Year 3's have stepped up and are running each fitness station. Rooms 1, 2, 3 and the star room have been out each morning building up their fitness.

Saturday, 3 September 2016

F for Fire

What a wonderful principal we have. On Friday Mrs Keats arranged for Mr Walters to come and share his knowledge about fire with Room 1, 2 and the star boys. He taught us that fire needs three things to make it burn: fuel, oxygen and heat. Then he demonstrated and it was awesome.