Sunday, 28 August 2016

Clever Mrs Plover

The children have taken a real interest in the Plovers that have decided to nest on our field. Enjoy the book that we have created.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Making butter

The Star room boys read a story about making butter and decided to give this a try.

It worked very well!    


Celebrating the Letter Pp

We celebrated the letter P early today by eating popcorn. Thank you Jacqui for bringing it along to school for us to share.

We planted some parsley seeds today that Jacqui had brought along as her Secret Surprise. Oskar and Reliable spent morning tea time clearing the weeds from the garden. We look forward to watching the parsley grow.

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Celebrating the letter Mm

Yummy and topical. M & M medals to celebrate our Olympic success and the letter of the week.

We experimented with magnets. Some wanted to stick together and others wanted to push away from each other. They would stick to some things and not to others. Have fun trying this out at home.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Olympic Celebrations

On Tuesday we created our own Olympic Flag. We learnt about the colours and where they go. To build onto our scientific learning about rockets, we put dye into the film canisters along with a fizzy tablet and put them upside down on a piece of fabric and waited for the fireworks. Mrs Keats was totally aware that she could end up with dye all over her if she wasn't fast enough at getting the lids on the canisters. Thankfully all went to plan. Check out the excitement on the video clip.
We linked our learning back to our experiment about capillary action and watched as the dye spread out from the middle of the circles as the molecules transferred the colour from one to another. What awesome scientists we have in year 0/1.

 On Wednesday afternoon Mrs McRandle organised some mini Olympic activities for us. It was fun to use the ribbons on sticks. We tried to write our names in the air with them. Sock wrestling was fun too. We had to try and take someones sock off while protecting our own.

Monday, 15 August 2016

Friday, 12 August 2016

Celebrating the letter Nn

This was obviously a favourite of our tamariki. Everyone enjoyed nibbling noodles. Thank you to Ciaran for bringing some to school for us to share.

Nn is for nature and Nn is for nest. Mr and Mrs Plover have chosen a safe place behind the "Keep off the Grass" tape to build their nest and lay 3 eggs. We quietly watched as Mrs Plover tried to lead us away from her secret spot. We were inspired to make nests of our own with natural materials from the forest. We wonder if a bird will come and lay eggs in them.

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Maths Week

This week has been maths week. The Star Boys, Room 1 and 2 have been on a maths trail and making pictures from shapes. It has been great finding maths all around the school.

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Sports Coaches Slow Mo


Today Lesley came and shared lots of interesting facts about food waste. Wow we certainly do waste a lot of food as a country. Lesley gave us lots of tips on how to recycle our food and all our plastic rubbish.

Did you know bread is the number 1 food that people throw away? Lesley told us about the website we can visit called love food hate waste.  Here is the link -

Saturday, 6 August 2016

Celebrating the letter Rr

We made some rockets using fizzing tablets put into film canisters filled with water. When discussing the science behind the launch we were very impressed with how the children could make connections between previous science experiments and this one. 

Here is the video of our rocket launch. We sang the alphabet song while we waited patiently for the chemical reaction to do its thing and launch the rocket.

Yum! Rice Bubbles went down a treat on an icy Winter's day.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Under the Umbrella

We couldn't resist using the rain as inspiration for our writing today. We went outside and listened carefully to the sounds we could hear and wrote this wonderful poem.