Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Olympic Celebrations

On Tuesday we created our own Olympic Flag. We learnt about the colours and where they go. To build onto our scientific learning about rockets, we put dye into the film canisters along with a fizzy tablet and put them upside down on a piece of fabric and waited for the fireworks. Mrs Keats was totally aware that she could end up with dye all over her if she wasn't fast enough at getting the lids on the canisters. Thankfully all went to plan. Check out the excitement on the video clip.
We linked our learning back to our experiment about capillary action and watched as the dye spread out from the middle of the circles as the molecules transferred the colour from one to another. What awesome scientists we have in year 0/1.

 On Wednesday afternoon Mrs McRandle organised some mini Olympic activities for us. It was fun to use the ribbons on sticks. We tried to write our names in the air with them. Sock wrestling was fun too. We had to try and take someones sock off while protecting our own.


  1. wow!! I never knew school was so much fun!!

  2. Awesome little scientists and awesome teachers for making learning so much fun. I hope Mrs. Keats wasn't wearing white that day..just in case.

  3. No wonder they were so tired last Wednesday after their mini olympics.
