Friday, 17 March 2017

Celebrating the Letter Gg

Today our tamariki tried gherkin dip, grapes, gogi berries and green popcorn. Thank you so much to the parents that send things along for us to try.
We read the story Green Eggs and Ham.....
"Would you eat green eggs and ham?" 
"I do not like green eggs and ham!"
"Try them, try them and you may."

Our tamariki have a great attitude to trying new things. 

Science - gas
We talked about how our we breathe in Oxygen and breathe out Carbon Dioxide and how sometimes our bodies produce a little extra gas that when it escapes we have to say "pardon me."
We are getting very good at observing 
- that's what good scientists do!

For todays experiment we mixed some common kitchen items together that have chemical reactions that produce Carbon Dioxide gas. Try this at home....fill a balloon with baking soda and put some vinegar into a bottle. Stretch the balloon over the neck of the bottle then lift the balloon up so that the baking soda mixes with the vinegar. Watch what happens. Try it with other ingredients too.

During discovery time our Room 8 buddies set up a variety of great games for us to try. We learnt to follow rules and take turns.
Gracias Room 8.


  1. Joshua Critchley23 March 2017 at 00:38

    The green eggs and ham looked yummy and tasted good.

  2. We had so much fun on G week. My favourite thing was eating green eggs and ham.

  3. Fun Fridays are the best. I get to try lots of new things. Alex Schilt
